Category: Current Projects

Fluvial activity in major river basins of the eastern United States during the Holocene

Really excited to have been a part of new paper by UA grad student (and CoRPS member) Ray Lombardi in “The Holocene” on paleoflooding. “This paper presents the first meta-analysis of fluvial reconstructions focused on regional watersheds of the eastern United States,…”

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AAG New Orleans

My colleagues and I will be giving talks and hosting sessions on Paleofloods at next weeks AAG meeting. Come hear all about it! Past Perspectives on River Environments 1: Flood Reconstructions in Locations Outside the U.S. Napoleon B2, Sheraton 3rd Floor 08:00 am Past Perspectives on River Environments 2: Flood Reconstructions in the Mississippi River Basin and the Western U.S. Napoleon B2, Sheraton 3rd Floor 10:00 am Past Perspectives on River Environments 3: Flood Reconstructions in the Southeastern U.S. Napoleon […]

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Nature paper in UA news

A  UA News feature covers our recent Nature paper on Mississippi River flooding “More than Climate, Engineering Worsening Flooding Along Mississippi” “TUSCALOOSA, Ala. — Through discovering ancient floods along the Mississippi River, a group of scientists, including a University of Alabama professor, found human-led engineering, not climate, is the largest influence on worsening floods.”

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The search for Fort Armstrong: Dendroarchaeology of the Williamson “Snow Hill” Plantation, Cherokee County, Alabama, USA

Discussed this project in an earlier post. Matt Gage from the UA Office of Archaeological Research and I carried out some tree-ring dating on three historical log buildings in northeastern Alabama to determine if any of the structures could have been associated with historic Fort Armstrong. Fort Armstrong was constructed near Cedar Bluff, Alabama by militia members under the ultimate command of Andrew Jackson to support actions against the “Red Stick” faction of Creeks during the First Creek War in 1813.

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Big Bur!

One of the best trips I took this summer was to Columbia Missouri to see my good buddy Mike Stambaugh and take a sample from the huge Bur Oak cross section they have in their lab. This tree was the National Champion Bur Oak until it died in the early 1950s. It had been growing in Big Oak Tree State Park in the Bootheel of MO. This site is one of the only virgin bottomland hardwood forests left in MO, […]

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